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Rebuilding The Pineola After Hurricane Helene:

A HUGE Thanks to All Who Helped and Donated


Hurricane Helene really did a number on the High Country, and on our beloved Pineola Lodge, Taproom and Gift Shop. But, without us even asking, we were blessed with so many helpers, volunteers, hard workers, donations, and support from a BUNCH of wonderful people; family, friends, acquaintances, and tons of people we didn’t even know. 


Now, at the end of 2024, we can celebrate getting our property back to full capacity and could NEVER have done it without the help from the people named below.  We are humbled, thankful, and truly “blown away” by all of these folks’ generosity.  These names will remain on a poster in The Pineola from now to eternity as a thank you to those who gave of their time, talents, and finances. This will also be a reminder of what can be accomplished when we all work together towards a common goal, as well as a tribute to all the people who weathered Helene, helped the High-Country re-build, and most importantly, to those who lost their lives due to this storm.  So, with much gratitude and very humble hearts, the ownership and staff of The Pineola would like to recognize the following kind souls who helped us clean up and rebuild our property and business, so we could again be a place for making great, lifelong memories with friends and family. 



In no particular order: Marty Engelstad, Tom and Lisa Edwards, Derrick Littlewood, Jay Stauffer, Kyle Bell, Paul Muma, Douglas Hensley, Kerry Hook, Jim and Frances Magruder, Kevin Russell, Jess and Wyatt Phelps, Todd Guy, Tony Guy, Matthew Guy, Craig Autrey, Ally Bailey, Charlie Miller, Bill and Nicholas Cuttill, Rhonda Flynn, Mary Ann Johnson, Bonnie Hendrix, Mary Lyons, Gary Long, TJ Bell, Jack Krawczyk, Cindy and Bruce Jacobs, John Heckendorn, Tim & Jackie Brown, Doug Austin, Alan Jenkins, Parker Musgrove, Jane and Tony Parisi, Rosemary Bell, Greg Johnson, Jason Dail, Callie Hart, Jesse Phelps, Wyatt Phelps, Bradley Livoisi, Mark Hewett, Jason and Kristi Dail and family, Josh Overman, Laura Cole, Jeff and David Lewis, Glen Hart, Billy Walker and likely many others we may have missed.  We also want to thank all the folks that brought by tools, fans, de-humidifiers, lunches, and words of encouragement throughout the entire process. 


Financial Contributors

In no particular order: Cathy Woodward, Robert Keenan, Christopher Sujesi, Alaina Hull, Scot Fearnside, Mary Munson, Elizabeth Bumgarner, Tasha Reid, Eddie Chamberlain, Candace Hook, Serena Martin, Skip Pape, Bill Simpson, Suzanne and Eric Flynn, Michael Welch, Patricia Bankston, Jolene Lafleche, Amanda Cooper, Brenda Sartori, Elizableth McClain, Matthew Taylor, Jose Rodriguez, Jeremy Carter, Jennifer Kaufenberg, Chelsea Trenter, Anita Gaines, Ian Dowbiggin, Deborah Helms, Samantah Punches, Liz and Andrew Halkitis, Margret Cuttill, Marilyn Morris, John Pavela, Donna Reuth, Sany Kempsell, Cassie Sparrow, Bruce Dowbiggin, Debra Eng, Brittany Byrum, Jan Thoemke, Rachel Adams, Steven Funnell, Lou Class, Lorrain Routh, Amy Hawn Nelson, Lisa Wolin, Katrina Pruitt, Michele Glorie, Kelly Poovey, Scottie Rierson, Cynthia Warner, Shirly Nairn, Andrew Groelinger, John Heckendorn, Melody Langley, Rachel Heckendorn, Nick Bridges, Rebecca, Finley, June Parilli, Beth Lettengarver, Julie Odell, John and Paula Tomlinson, Judy Albrecht, Rick and Sue Pedrick, Susan Primm, Tina Dorries, TJ Bell, Patrick Hawkins, Dianne Berendzen, Beka Pistole, Theresa Morris, Melody Ratty, Joanne Felker, Florence Bragdon, Iva Pesa, Cathy Harris-Cannon, Karen Hamilton, Kim Burgnon, Gary and Jen Prus, Rick and Penny Rozell, and many more who gave anonymously or donated the refunds from trips they couldn’t make because of the storm.


With Humble Hearts,


Mark "MJ" & Carolyn "CJ" Johnson, Mallory Bell, and our entire staff


The Pineola

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